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Sweeping your System > Managing quarantined items > Keeping quarantined items

Keeping quarantined items
You can keep items in Quarantine, where they are rendered inoperable and cannot harm your computer. This is the safest action to take. It allows you to test your computer to make sure that all legitimate programs still function properly without an item. If necessary, you can restore an item from Quarantine.
If the Quarantine area reaches certain size limits or when your computer’s hard drive is low on space, the Webroot software opens a pop-up alert from the system tray (lower-right corner of your screen), in the Alerts panel, or in a Webroot message window. If you see the Webroot message window, the alert is critical and space on your hard drive is very low. You should take action to make more space available. The alert message gives you three options:
Delete Old Items. Click to delete all items in Quarantine that are more than seven days old. If deleting these items does not make enough space available, the Webroot software opens another message recommending that you go to Quarantine and delete more items (see Deleting quarantined items permanently).
Manage Quarantine. Click to open the program with the Quarantine panel displayed, where you can selectively delete items from Quarantine (see Deleting quarantined items permanently).
Remind Me Later. Click to have the Webroot software remind you tomorrow. If you take this action, you may want to delete other files to make more hard drive space available.

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